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Maxpoint Media is an affiliate marketing network specializing in the CPA/CPL/CPC/CPS/CPI/CPV model. We help advertisers maximize customer acquisition by finding the highest quality publishers for their online campaigns, while allowing publishers to earn revenue through commissions on their promotions. We are backed by over 10 years of digital marketing experience and pride ourselves on complete authenticity and constantly revolutionizing our industry's technology tools.

Affiliate network details

Number of offers100
Type of commissioncpa, cpl, cpi, cps
Minimum payment$100
Frequency of paymentsNet 30, Net 15
payment methodCheck, PayPal, Wire Transfer
Referral commission5%
tracking softwareAffise
Tracking LinksN/A
Alliance Manager
  • David Nguyen

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  • John E. Wright
    John E. Wright Readers

    This ad affiliate is really awesome and has a great reputation.

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  • Joseph A. Fitch
    Joseph A. Fitch Readers

    I didn't have much faith in them at first, but their performance changed my mind. Thanks to this awesome ad affiliate and the wonderful support team. Let's just say that they do a fantastic job at their job.

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  • DoHai
    DoHai Readers

    I have been working here since last October and they always pay in full and on time and the team provide excellent support.

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  • Cashpockets
    Cashpockets Readers

    They are so active and supportive. Really enjoyed working with them again.

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  • Ngoc Do
    Ngoc Do Readers

    It feels so good to work with them.
    They always put out good campaigns and provide awesome support.

    No record
  • Paula N. Tillman
    Paula N. Tillman Readers

    This is a great ad affiliate and I make a lot of money every month. I have already received my payment for September 2023 and now for November.

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  • Darlene
    Darlene Readers

    There are various high payout campaigns, net 30 days settlement, always paid on time, reliable advertising affiliate, recommended to work with.

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  • Vu Duc Hung
    Vu Duc Hung Readers

    Payment was good and fast.

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  • Anbert
    Anbert Readers

    I have worked with many affiliates and this one is one of the best. I always get paid on time for my work and the tech team provides excellent support.

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  • Vicky.
    Vicky. Readers

    I've been working with Maxpoint for a long time and the payments are always fast and the support is great. Highly recommend this awesome ad affiliate!

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