CapRevenueofficial website

CapRevenue is a fully funded...

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CapRevenue is a well-funded private CPA network specializing in the financial and dating industries.

Some highlights:
- For financial and dating based campaigns and vertical markets only.
- Internally verified ad campaigns with the highest EPC.
- 100% accurate and internally tested tracking platform.
- Even for international publishers, weekly payments are made on time from day one.
- I will personally train and guide you when you need it.
- Completely focused and separate advertiser and publisher departments.
- Payments are automatically expedited weekly via PayPal or wire transfer.

Affiliate network details

Number of offers 350+
Type of commission CPA, CPM, CPS
Minimum payment $100
Frequency of payments Weekly default
payment method PayPal, Wire Transfer
Referral commission 1%
tracking software Insrev
Tracking Links N/A
Alliance Manager Van Rawlins

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  • Xoan
    Xoan Readers

    You said I would be paid on the 15th, but I have not received it yet. Could you please explain. Are these the people you are trying to cheat?

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  • Rafel
    Rafel Readers

    I joined last week and VAN is my AM, he is very helpful and helps me get all the offers I need and pays weekly. The support team is great and it's possible to request high paying offers.

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  • MaherK
    MaherK Readers

    Trusted advertising affiliate, weekly payments are always on time.

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  • Labaik
    Labaik Readers

    I could always say nice things about caprevenue, I have a lot of respect for van, to me he is the man, the legend. He has always been eager to help me expand and has given me the best return of all my credit report Offers.

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  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Readers

    It sounds like you've found a promising opportunity with Caprevenue and are impressed by Van's ethics and dedication to the lead generation industry. It' s great that you're seeing positive results with their offers and that you appreciate their commitment to ethical practices. s great that you're seeing positive results with their offers and that you appreciate their commitment to ethical practices. Building strong partnerships based on trust and reliability is essential in any business venture. It''s great that you''re seeing positive results with their offers and that you appreciate their commitment to ethical practices. Building strong partnerships based on trust and reliability is essential in any business venture.

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  • Xoan
    Xoan Readers

    I have worked and have not received your payment. CapRevenue is a scam

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  • Barbara
    Barbara Readers

    It sounds like Caprevenue offers a refreshing approach to CPA networks by focusing on specific verticals like financial and dating, which are known for their profitability and ease of running campaigns. This specialization can indeed make it easier for affiliates to choose offers and streamline their marketing efforts. This specialization can indeed make it easier for affiliates to choose offers and streamline their marketing efforts.

    Having someone like VAN, who provides personalized recommendations and tips, adds even more value to the network. Having access to expert guidance can help affiliates navigate the complexities of affiliate marketing, especially when it comes to choosing the right offers and optimizing campaigns for success.

    Overall, it seems like Caprevenue offers a unique and valuable service in the CPA network space, catering to affiliates who prefer a more focused approach and appreciate personalized support. This can ultimately lead to more successful campaigns and higher earnings for affiliates.

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  • Oscar
    Oscar Readers

    It sounds like you've found a gem in the Top Notch Network, with both a supportive owner and a dedicated team. Having a knowledgeable and approachable owner can make a significant difference in your overall experience and success within the network. Having a knowledgeable and approachable owner can make a significant difference in your overall experience and success within the network.

    Building strong relationships with network owners and teams is invaluable in the affiliate marketing industry, as it fosters trust, communication, and mutual respect. It's great to hear that you've had such a positive experience and that you appreciate the opportunity to work with someone who is not only friendly but also intelligent and supportive. friendly but also intelligent and supportive.

    Continuing to nurture this relationship and capitalize on the support and expertise provided can lead to even greater success in your affiliate marketing endeavors. If you ever need any assistance or advice along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Keep up the fantastic work!

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