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Analyze how many times an opponent's page has been shared on Facebook, who shared it, and what was discussed

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Crowdtangle is a Google plugin site that helps users analyze how many times a rival's page has been shared on Facebook, who shared it, and what was discussed. This tool is very useful for those who want to know how their competitors are doing on social media. If you need the Google Chrome De-Ads plugin:

Crowdtangle helps users analyze how many times an opponent's page has been shared on Facebook. By using this tool, users can quickly see how popular their opponents' pages are on Facebook. This is very helpful in developing one's own social media strategy as it helps users to understand what content is more popular and thus better engage their audience.

Crowdtangle also helps users understand who shared the rival's page. By looking at the information of the sharers, users can see who is interested in the rival's content and can strategize their content accordingly. If it turns out that a lot of professionals are sharing the rival's page, then the user can consider posting more specialized and engaging content to attract more attention from professionals.

Crowdtangle also helps users understand what is being discussed about rival pages. By viewing these discussions, users can learn what people think and say about rival pages and can improve their content accordingly. Users can also participate in these discussions to increase their brand's visibility and influence.

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