BlinkAdsofficial website

BlinkAds is a company that specializes in U.S. West...

BlinkAdspresent (sb for a job etc)

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BlinkAds is an interactive performance-based customer acquisition media company specializing in the U.S. Hispanic, Latino, Women's and Family verticals as well as the general market. We are also an affiliate network and one of the few companies that can take your brand to the highly sought after Latin American market. Our team of design professionals can take a generic U.S. targeted campaign and transform it to resonate with your target market.

The BlinkAds Affiliate Network allows you to make the best advertising connections for specific areas within the US market and Hispanic market. We have hundreds of Offers to choose from and work hard to match you with the Offer that best suits your marketing capabilities to maximize your performance. At BlinkAds, we offer superior service, personalized assistance, exclusive Offers, and the most competitive payments in the industry.

Affiliate Details

Number of offers 55+
Type of commission CPA, CPL
minimum payment $25
Frequency of payments Net-30 / Net-7
terms of payment Checks / Wire Transfers
Referral commission N/A
tracking software LinkTrust
Tracking Links

Affiliate Managers

  • Richard Alcantara
  • Lizbeth Cardozo
  • Tanya Alvarez
  • Carlos Marin

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This cross-border sea navigation includedBlinkAdsCumulative visits to the official website 291.

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123HOW Sailing Navigations OfferedBlinkAdsURLs are from the web, links are not guaranteed to be accurate and pointing is not controlled by 123HOW control, in 2024-05-30 23:09 when the inclusion of the URL, the content of the station is compliant and legal, such as late violations, you can contact the webmaster to remove, the 123HOW does not assume any responsibility.


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