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A global mobile chatting tool owned by facebook

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WhatsApp is a global mobile chatting tool developed and operated by Facebook Inc. It allows users to send text, pictures, voice and video messages worldwide for free.WhatsApp is very easy to use, just download and install it on your cell phone, register it using your mobile number and start chatting with friends, family and colleagues in real time.

One of the advantages of WhatsApp is its security. Since all the messages are transmitted encrypted, the user's privacy is well protected.WhatsApp also offers some additional security features like double identity verification, self-destructing messages, etc. to ensure the safety of the user's data.

Apart from sending messages, WhatsApp also supports voice calls and video calls. These features make it possible for people to stay in touch with others anytime, anywhere, whether at home, in the office or on the road.WhatsApp also supports group chat, which makes it easy for people to communicate with more than one person.

WhatsApp also has some drawbacks. It can only be used on smartphones and requires an internet connection to work properly.WhatsApp's data usage is relatively high and may have an impact on the user's cell phone traffic. Though WhatsApp was developed by Facebook Inc, the company does not use all the user data for commercial purposes, which is a positive point.

WhatsApp is a very useful mobile chat tool. It not only has an easy-to-use interface and rich features, but also pays close attention to users' privacy and data security. If you are looking for a reliable mobile chatting tool, then WhatsApp is definitely a good choice.

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