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Skype is a famous global VoIP software.

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Skype is a famous global VoIP software that allows you to make free voice calls to friends, family and coworkers around the world. With hundreds of millions of users worldwide, this software is an integral part of many people's daily lives. In this article, we will introduce the basic features of Skype, how to use it and how to protect your privacy.

Let's know the basic features of Skype.Skype provides voice calling, video calling and instant messaging services. You can use Skype on your computer, cell phone, tablet, etc. You can make calls to your contacts at home or abroad as long as you have a Skype account.Skype also supports group chat, so you can make voice or video calls to multiple people at the same time, which is perfect for teamwork and family gatherings.

Let's take a look at how to use Skype, you need to download and install the Skype software. For computer users, you can download the latest version of the client from the Skype website (; for mobile and tablet users, you can search for "Skype" in the app store and download the corresponding app. Once installed, open the program and you'll see a main screen that lists your contacts, chats, and various buttons. To make a call, simply click on the "Contacts" icon on the left, find the person you want to contact, and then click on their username to initiate the call. Similarly, if you want to make a video call, just click on the "Video Call" icon on the right.

We also need to be careful to protect our privacy when using Skype. To ensure that your communications are secure, please follow these tips:

1. Do not add strangers as friends. In the online world, scammers and bad actors are everywhere. Therefore, when adding a new contact, make sure the person is trustworthy. If you are not sure, learn about the other person through other means first, such as social media.

2. Protect your personal information. Don't disclose your Skype number, e-mail address and other sensitive information in public. This information may be utilized by unscrupulous people and bring you trouble.

3. Set a strong password. To prevent account theft, it is recommended that you set a complex password for Skype that includes upper and lower case letters, numbers and special symbols. Changing your password regularly is also a good habit.

4. Enable dual authentication. To improve account security, Skype provides a double verification feature. When you log in or send a message, the system will ask you to enter a cell phone SMS verification code. This way, even if others know your password, they can't log into your account easily.

Skype is a very useful VoIP program that helps us to easily communicate with people all over the world. By following the above advice and protecting your privacy, you can enjoy convenient communication while ensuring your safety.

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