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VMcard virtual card platform, registration is simple, applicable to a variety of cross-border payment scenarios: payment for overseas advertising; e-commerce shopping; subscription membership; service recharge, etc.; virtual credit card application platform of more than 30 card segments to meet the user's various differentiated needs.

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VMcard international prepaid card is a very convenient payment tool for overseas e-commerce shopping, service subscription, account registration, membership stored value and other scenarios. If you often shop abroad or need to use foreign services, then VMcard is the right choice for you.

The features of the VMcard International Prepaid Card are as follows:
- 支持多种货币:VMcard 支持多种货币,包括美元、欧元、英镑、日元等,您可以在购买时选择您需要的货币。
- 安全可靠:VMcard 采用先进的加密技术,确保您的支付信息和个人信息得到充分保护。
- 全球通用:VMcard 是一张全球通用的预付卡,您可以在任何支持 VISA 的地方使用它。
- 方便快捷:您只需要在 VMcard 官网上注册一个账户,然后充值即可使用。

Platform existing card segments including 526/418/529/538/428/485, etc., according to the relevant card segments, the vast majority of card segments are no limit on the number of cards, a part of the card segments are not limited to the rejection rate and so on, according to the introduction of the card segments need to be opened separately access to consult the customer service said that it is directed to open to the appropriate customers. Basically, the platform card segments can support most of the cross-border e-commerce card scenarios, including Amazon, Facebook ads deduction, TikTok Ads deduction, Aliexpress/Shopee and so on.

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