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Copyright-free gallery with Chinese and English search support

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Pixabay: a free copyright-free gallery site

In our daily life, pictures have become an important tool for us to get information and express our feelings. Whether it is sharing life moments on social media, or making reports or PPTs at work, images play a significant role. When using images, we often face a problem: copyright. In order to avoid infringing others' intellectual property rights, we need to find a website that provides free and copyright-free images. I would like to recommend one such website - Pixabay.

Pixabay is a copyright-free stock photo website that supports Chinese and English search, founded in 2014 and based in Gothenburg, Sweden. The site is dedicated to providing users with high-quality, free and commercially available images, vectors and illustrations. Here you can find a wide variety of images, including landscapes, people, animals, abstracts, etc. to meet your various needs.Pixabay also provides a wealth of editing features, allowing you to easily crop, rotate, adjust brightness and contrast, etc. to meet your personalized needs.

Pixabay's strength lies in its huge image library and powerful search function. The site has more than 3 million million images covering various fields and themes, no matter you are looking for landscape photos, food pictures or technology pictures, you can find satisfactory works in Pixabay. Moreover, Pixabay's search function is very powerful, supporting both Chinese and English searches, so that you can quickly find the pictures you need.Pixabay also provides the function of filtering according to the number of downloads, popularity and other indicators to help you find your favorite pictures more efficiently.

One thing you need to be aware of when using Pixabay is that just because these images are free and copyright-free, it doesn't mean you can use them as you please. According to Pixabay's usage agreement, some of the images may need to be attributed or credited. Therefore, when using the images provided by Pixabay, please ensure that you comply with relevant laws, regulations and ethics, and respect the fruits of the original creators' labor.

In addition to providing free and copyright-free images, Pixabay has some business value. For businesses, Pixabay can be used as a high-quality image material library to help them save the cost of buying images. For individual users, Pixabay can also be used as a powerful image editing tool to help you create unique and unique image works.

Pixabay is a highly recommended free and copyright-free stock photo website. It has a huge image library and a powerful search function that can meet your needs in various scenarios. Of course, when we use these images, we should also pay attention to comply with relevant laws and regulations and ethical norms, and respect the fruits of labor of the original creators. I hope this article can help you, so that you can enjoy high-quality images can also follow the correct values.

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