Offer数量 | 10+ |
佣金类型 | CPA,CPL,CPS |
最低付款额 | $100 |
付款频率 | Net-15 / 每周 |
付款方式 | 支票 / 电汇 / ACH / PayPal |
推荐佣金 | 5% |
跟踪软件 | HasOffers |
跟踪链接 | |
- Mike Kelly
- Chris Calabro
- Gary Smith
- Erick Bright
本站123HOW提供的MarketLeverage都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由123HOW实际控制,在2024-06-25 02:54收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,123HOW不承担任何责任。
我现在已经使用Market Leverage 12个月了。他们提供了很多优质的广告系列。他们总是准时支付我。在我看来,他们是最好的。
我对Market Leverage CPA广告联盟还比较新,还没有完全试用过,但从我所看到的情况来看,他们有很多独特的Offer可供选择,其中大多数我在其他广告联盟上都没有见过。我计划下周开始发送流量。
Market leverage是一家始终按时支付的好公司。我唯一遇到的问题是不断变化的URL导致链接失效。他们的Offers品种不太多样化,这一点他们可能需要改进,但是他们确实有一些最高的支付额。
我同意Market Leverage是一家不错的公司。我只和他们合作了很短的时间,但他们确实有很多很棒的Offers,而且他们真的会支付。
作为Market Leverage自豪的联盟成员,我可以亲自保证这是一个很棒的广告联盟。我的联盟经理总是在身边提供帮助。这是我百分之百信任的少数广告联盟之一。
Market Leverage是最好的。 😀 朱莉娅
总的来说,Market Leverage相当可靠。
It’s fantastic to hear that you’ve had such a positive experience with MarketLeverage! A network with good offers and reliable support can make a big difference in the affiliate marketing world. Timely payments and excellent customer service are essential for affiliates to feel valued and supported in their endeavors.
Staying with a network for a year speaks volumes about the trust and satisfaction you have with their services. It’s great to hear that MarketLeverage has consistently met your expectations and provided a smooth experience without any delays or issues.
Sharing your positive experiences with MarketLeverage can be helpful for other affiliates who are looking for trustworthy networks to partner with. It’s always reassuring to hear firsthand accounts of good experiences before making decisions about which networks to join.
The market leverage is a very cooperative network. I receive my remuneration on time every month. However, I recently encountered some trouble when trying to change the payment cycle from monthly to weekly; it’s been nearly two weeks without any response.
In reality, it’s not that I haven’t received any contact from them. I always get a reply before the end of the day, but I still haven’t received a definitive answer. Aside from this, my experience cooperating with them has been excellent.