Offer数量 | 1000+ |
最低支付额 | 无最低要求 |
支付频率 | 净30、可协商 |
支付方式 | 支票/电汇/PayPal |
推荐佣金 | 5% |
跟踪软件 | 内部专有平台 |
跟踪链接 | http://inttrax.com/track?cid= |
联盟经理 | Alexandra |
本站123HOW提供的Integrate都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由123HOW实际控制,在2024-07-01 01:40收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,123HOW不承担任何责任。
Integrate必须成为地球上最佳的营销行业,他们从不拖欠付款,一切都很及时。我真的很感激Lana Chapman和我的产品专家的支持。他们有超过2000个Offers,而且他们的追踪平台是最好的。
Integrate must become the best marketing industry on Earth; they never delay payments and everything is very timely. I am really grateful for the support from Lana Chapman and my product expert. They have over 2,000 offers and their tracking platform is the best.
If you want to run campaigns for different regions, Integrate should be your first consideration as they offer global offers and, of course, the best support.
这个广告联盟真是不可思议。你不仅有普通的CPA offers,还有主机/发布offers,你可以按照自己的意愿建立自己的页面。他们还提供按电话来计费的方式,如果你能将流量导向广告商设置的电话号码,如果你有自己的呼叫中心,他们可以支付实时电话线索的转接费用。
It’s fantastic to hear about your positive experience with Integrate! Colin and the team there seem to have really stood out for their dedication and effectiveness in providing excellent service to both affiliates and advertisers. Their unique technology that allows for negotiating separate payout rates and facilitating communication without bypassing is certainly a valuable feature in the affiliate marketing landscape.
The addition of a feed for network-wide notices and the convenience of features like the pixel builder demonstrate Integrate’s commitment to continuously improving their platform and addressing common pain points in the industry. And it’s great to hear that their payment system is reliable and hassle-free, ensuring that affiliates get paid on time without any concerns.
Overall, it sounds like Integrate offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for affiliate marketing, backed by a supportive team and innovative technology. Thanks for sharing your insights, and here’s to continued success with Integrate!
It sounds like you’ve had an excellent experience with Integrate’s platform and team, finding them to be a game changer in the lead generation space. Here’s a refined version of your message:
🚀 Integrate: Revolutionizing Lead Generation! 🚀
Integrate’s platform and team are absolute game changers! Their top-notch technology and continuously expanding staff bring unparalleled knowledge to the lead generation space. Highly recommended for anyone seeking innovative solutions.
This version emphasizes the positive impact of Integrate’s platform and team, making it clear why you recommend them to others.