Tag Junction是一个基于绩效的联盟广告联盟,专注于潜在客户生成和客户获取。Tag Junction的附属机构可以访问网络中表现最好的优惠和最具竞争力的支付方式。我们与世界各地顶级公司合作。我们提供最灵活、便利和最快速的支付方式(PayPal、Moneybooker和电汇)。支付将每周进行一次。
Offer数量 | 50+ |
佣金类型 | CPA,CPL,CPS |
最低支付 | $25 |
支付频率 | 每周 |
支付方式 | PayPal / Moneybookers / 支票 / 电汇 |
推荐佣金 | 5% |
追踪软件 | 内部专有平台 |
追踪链接 | http://www.tagjunction.com/trackingcode.aspx? |
联盟经理 |
关于Tag Junction特别声明
本站123HOW提供的Tag Junction都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由123HOW实际控制,在2024-07-01 02:47收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,123HOW不承担任何责任。
Tag Junction is an extrodinary place to do Affiliate Marketing, where Advertisers can get massive lead generation on ROI as well as Publishers can also get huge CPA conversions and weekly payouts. Tag Junction Support Team will monitor fraud control time to time, which is the biggest advantage for Publishers and Advertisers.
Very impressive review, almost got me in. I’ve sent them emails but have yet to hear nothing from them. Post your AM’s info please.
Hey guys, can any one help me with the tagjunction review? coz i have been working with Tagjuntion now. I havn’t faced any problems as such and i have been paid weekly, but the minimum payout with tagjunction is $25(i m not sure if it is good enough). I am not sure about the mails, coz i have mailed only once and got the response(might be i m the lucky one). I have checked Tagjunction reviews and joined them. However i m happy with tagjunction now. I feel the support is good and the payouts are awesome.
Please let me know if some one has problems with tagjunction, so that i can stop working with them.
Is anyone currently using Tag Junction or know anything about them? are they paying ? I never heard of them. Thanks in advance for your response.
很高兴看到TagJunction在Affiliate Paying上,首先我要感谢Affiliate Paying将所有广告联盟汇集在一个地方。我已经在TagJunction工作了4个月,到目前为止一切都很好,我没有遇到任何问题,每周都能按时获得付款。希望他们能够持续下去。我可以推荐TagJunction作为你的业务伙伴。
IncentReward is generally considered a reliable network, but individual experiences may vary. As for recent payments and payout times, it would be best to consult directly with other affiliates or reach out to their support team for specific details. I’m unable to provide real-time information on affiliate managers from Tag Junction, but you might be able to find someone to assist you by contacting their support team or checking their website for contact information. If you need more detailed information about their network, you may want to explore their website or contact their support team directly for assistance.
这是一个非常适合CPA联盟营销者的优秀广告联盟… 我只做CPA Offers,而Tagjunction对我来说简直太棒了。即时支持,高额付款,最重要的是,准时付款。感觉这个广告联盟是为联盟营销者量身定制的。它拥有联盟营销者所需的一切。我对这个广告联盟非常满意。