Offer数量 | 300+ |
佣金类型 | CPA, CPL, CPS |
最低支付额 | $50 |
支付频率 | 净30、净15、每周 |
支付方式 | 支票、PayPal |
推荐佣金 | 2% |
跟踪软件 | Track Grid |
跟踪链接 | http://okayleads.com |
联盟经理 |
本站123HOW提供的OkayLeads都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由123HOW实际控制,在2024-07-02 01:51收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,123HOW不承担任何责任。
That’s fantastic news! Making over $1k in just three days is a significant achievement, especially with email submit offers. It sounds like you’ve found some really lucrative offers that are performing well for you. Recommending offers that have worked for you is a great way to support fellow affiliates, and it’s always helpful to share successful strategies within the community.
If you have any tips or insights into what made those email submit offers so successful for you, feel free to share them. And if there’s anything else you need advice on or if you want to discuss further strategies, I’m here to help!
Skype: okayleads2
Thanks for sharing the contact information! It’s helpful for affiliates to have direct channels to reach out to networks when they’re looking for specific offers. Adding new offers can also broaden the opportunities for affiliates, so it’s great to know that OkayLeads is expanding their offerings. If affiliates have any specific needs or requests, they now know where to turn.
That sounds fantastic! It’s great to hear that you’re having a positive experience with your network and that you’re satisfied with their offers and payouts. Posting payment proof can be helpful for others who might be considering joining, so that’s a thoughtful gesture. Keep up the good work! If you need any advice or assistance along the way, feel free to ask.
Congratulations on receiving your first commission! That’s a significant milestone and a great indicator that your efforts are paying off. Keep up the good work, and if you have any questions or need guidance on how to further optimize your commissions, feel free to reach out. Here’s to many more successful commissions in the future!